Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Doraemon, 4 hands piano

After some days experimenting, I did this arrangement for 4 hands piano, the Doraemon main theme. I think it sounds very good and it's not so difficult. It's based in Ichigo's piano solo arrangement, but I changed some notes in the bass and fixed some things in the harmony.

Another important new is the watermark. I made it lighter, so you now will see better the sheet. It was too obscure. ^^"

I'm using Dropbox links, so if you detect any problem, comment it here.

About the results of the last poll, some people said that the ensembles have errors sometimes... So if you find an error, comment it here, also a posible solution, and I will fix it, no problem.
In any case, I'm very happy because many people voted they're good and only 2 votes in "Too difficult!". Any votes in "Easy", but... at least they're playable.

However, your help is needed to improve the ensembles.

Thanks for all!


  1. Hi Victor, do you speak spanish, don't you?

    De cualquier forma mi inglés es pésimo, así que escribiré en español :P

    Sólo quiero darte las gracias por tus arreglos; no sabes lo bien que me la estoy pasando tocando las OST's de Fairy Tail; y los arreglos de jazz de Zelda, qué delicia.

    El arreglo a cuatro manos del Main Theme de Doraemon me encantó, lástima que no conozca a otro pianista para que me haga de Secondo :l

    En fin, disculpa el comentario tan largo, pero descubrí tu sitio hace no mucho y veo que nadie te comenta, y, bueno, sólo quería que supieras que hay alguien que toca lo que escribes.

    Un saludo!

    PD: Los links de Dropbox parecen funcionar correctamente.

    PD2: ¿De casualidad no tendrás entre tus planes a futuro transcribir algo de Death Note?

  2. Si que hablo español, aunque procura escribir en ingles para que te entienda todo el mundo. Aunque tengas fallos se entiende n.n

    Muchas gracias por el comentario y por los agradecimientos, eso anima mucho, y por confirmar que los nuevos links estan funcionando bien.

    De Death Note he pensado alguna vez hacer algo, pero de momento nada. Ahora mismo lo que tengo pendiente es un arreglo de Monster Hunter que se me resiste de hace ya tiempo ^^"

    ¡Gracias y un saludo a ti tambien!

  3. Hello. I'm looking for the sheet music of Krone, Guilty Crown OST.
    I read your message on YouTube. But I can't find piano sheet...
    My email adress is

    Please help me...:(

    1. That music is in my list of song I want to do, however, I don't know when I will have it finish. If you want I can poke you if I upload it here.

  4. Hello Victor, do you have Doraemon 2 piano 8 hands scores? If you have do you mind sharing with me? My email add: piano1016@gmail.com. Thankyou in advance!

  5. Wow, that would be pretty funny. I've never written for 2 pianos - 8 hands. I don't how the result would be...

  6. Hi, I was looking at your arrangements for Fairy Tail; specifically Lucy's theme and I was very impressed. It is very beautifully done, however as a Flautist I noted that the flute part goes to a low A in bar 17 when the lowest note on a regular flute is a middle C. Again I loved it just saw that one little detail.

  7. Thanks for the feedback Emily! Yep, there's an error. You can safely play that part an octave higher. I will change it in the sheets so nobody gets confused. And again, thanks for the support! :D

  8. Hi, do you mind sharing the score "Doraemon 2 piano 8 hands " with me? This is my email add: zhixin1023@gmail.com. Thank you!
