Friday, 6 January 2012

The Howl's Moving Castle: Main Theme for Orchestra and Piano.

Hey! I'm here again. These days I've been working in a big project. An exact transcription of the Howl's Moving Castle's main theme! I finished yesterday. It has been difficult, but I think the result is worthwile.
This is the song:

So I decided to write all the instruments. The ending is not the same, I think. However, I'm happy with the transcription, and I hope you'll enjoy it. It's for string orchestra and piano, the same as the original.
If you want a piano version of this song, you can find it on Josh Agarrado's site.
You can download my arrangement from the Sheet Music section.
The next days I will work on Fairy Tail and a arrangement of Profesor Layton for string orchestra.

Thank you!


  1. Am I the first to say it? FANTASTIC JOB on this arrangement!! I can't imagine the work put into it (especially with how bad I am at hearing chords -_- ) It sounds incredible on its own. Too bad I don't have a string ensemble to play it with! Again, incredible work. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Thanks for your comment! I need a lot of time. However, I have to delete the some marks which are incorrect for violin.

    This weekend, new sheet music (including a new Fairy Tail song).

    Happy to know you've enjoyed this!

  3. Thank you so much :3

  4. Good job-I was about to write it my self but luckily I don't need! tahnks !!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. ugh, it says the page doesn't exist when i click on that link :/

    1. NEVER MIND, it's right on the left hand side of the blog! lol... thank you so much.

  7. This is AMAZING! Congragulations on your work!

  8. Awesome!! I must say, however, that I'm disappointed that you transcribed the various solos for the deeper voices (Namely cello!!) in the violin part. Still doesn't prevent me from showing this to my orchestra director.

  9. Thank you so much <3

  10. Tres bien monsieur!

  11. Hello Im a piano teacher from Chile. I have a student already playing the piano part of this music. Now I need to give the music for the orchestra, do you have the separated parts of you arrangement? I would really appreciated it. Thank you very much. This is my email:

  12. ahh this is amazing but I wish you had put in the cello solos ;; makes playing my favorite studio ghibli piece a little boring for me as a cellist.

  13. Hello! Firstly thanks a lot for the amazing job you did. I want to adapt this for a duet piano- flute, is it possible to have the sheet in a file format openable for a music software?
    thank you very much!!

  14. I really liked your arrangement! However, the 1st violins get way too much melody which I have to transcribe to evenly distribute the melody. Also, there should be more notes in the piano part.
