Saturday, 21 July 2012

Twitter account for the blog!

Hi again!

This week I've been a bit inactive. However, there's a new piano tutorial video and a new string quartet in the Sheet Music section, Shukuteki, from Rozen Maiden. I hope this week I will finish Guilty Crow sheet and the Fairy Tail also.

I also made a Twitter acount, Victor_Seven7. As you can see, I do not publish a new entrie every time I upload a song or a video. Of course, you can access the Sheet Music section to check if I uploaded something.
However, I think Twitter is better for that: every time I upload a new content (videos, sheet music, music tutorials...) I will tweet it, in English of course, and using the tag #VictorSevenMusic.
You can ignore Spanish tweets, don't care about them. Everything about the blog will be tagged as I said.

Now, you only have to follow or check my Twitter account to know what's new here and in the Youtube Channel. Only open my profile and click in the #VictorSevenMusic tag where is my description, and you will see all the news.

Of course, you can send comments to me, opinions about the blog or if you want, say a song you want me to transcribe. Em, I won't transcribe all the songs you want. That's very important. Say your opinion: if that song is very requested and I'm able to transcribe it, maybe I do it.
For that, use the same tag or mention me using @Victor_Seven7 (Well, you know it... ^^")

I also will try to follow interesting (musical) accounts for everybody. 

Thank you!